Cox's Bazar

Seagull Hotel
Hotel Motel Zone

Seagull is probably the best hotel in Cox's Bazar. It is modern and safe, with its own landscaped walkway to the beach. It does have a hidden bar - from the reception area, walk towards the main restaurant and turn right, then through part of the kitchen and upstairs. Nice swimming pool outside.

Hotel Sea Crown
Marin Drive, Kola Toil New Beach

Sea Crown is a three star deluxe hotel on the Beach

Most of the budget hotels are in the area surrounding Laldighi Lake in the main town area. The massive cement beasts are closer to the beach, getting bigger and grander as you move the 2km south to the Hotel Motel Zone.

Hotel Sea Gull and Hotel Media International are decent choices in the center of town. There are a few hotels/motels such as Hotel Probal and Sikat operated by the Parjatan Corporation, a government tourism organization.